University of Science and Technology of Mazandaran in collaboration with Iranian Energy Association will hold the 9th International Conference on Technology and Energy Management at Mazandaran University of Science and Technology in February 2024.
The conference will be held with the presence of high-ranked and influential authorities, officials and policymakers in various sectors of the energy subject, including the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Petroleum and private investment companies.
Lectures will be given by some of the leading scientific and industrial individuals at the conference.
Dr. Ahmad Reza Rabbani, chairman of University of Science and Technology of Mazandaran and Dr. Behnam Mohammadi Ivatloo, chairman of Iran Energy Association preside the conference and Dr. Arash Kamran Pirzaman, Dean of faculty of chemical engineering at University of Science and Technology of Mazandaran , hold the position of scientific secretary of the conference.
The national leading universities have a strong and well-represented presence in the referee department as well as submission of scientific articles from students, which will be carefully selected by the referee system.
The conference also offers a number of workshops on energy-related topics for applicants who sign up in time for the conference.
In addition to the aforementioned items, the booth will also be given to the companies interested, which will hopefully help the scientific and executive sectors of the energy field to be connected.
In this conference, various axes such as energy in oil, gas, and petrochemical industries, new energy conversion technologies, renewable energy technologies, energy efficiency, energy storage, energy economy, energy and environment, energy in buildings, Energy in agriculture, global warming, the role of energy in materials science and technology, nanotechnology and green management, energy systems in smart grids and smart cities, and bioenergy technologies, their processes and applications will be discussed. In the end, we invite all professors, students, and craftsmen to help us achieve the goals of this conference by submitting articles, proposing special workshops and meetings, and attending this scientific and technological event.
شروع ارسال مقالات
1402/02/01آخرین مهلت ارسال مقالات
1402/09/30آخرین مهلت ثبت نام در کنفرانس
1402/11/03شروع کنفرانس
1402/11/25پایان کنفرانس
1402/11/26دبیرخانه نهمین کنفرانس: مازندران، بهشهر، بلوار دانشگاه، کیلومتر 3 جاده دریای چهارفصل، دانشگاه علم و فناوری مازندران
مسئول دبیرخانه: دکتر سیده سارا خلیلی
تلفن: 34556000-011 تلفن دبیرخانه: 09112578337 / 34150502-011
وب سایت همایش:
وب سایت دانشگاه:
دبیرخانه مرکز انجمن انرژی ایران: تهران- شهرک غرب-بلوار شهید دادمان-پژوهشگاه نیرو-خیابان سهند-ساختمان انرژیهای تجدیدپذیر-طبقه 4
مسئول دبیرخانه: خانم مهندس آقازاده
تلفن: 09108939366 وب سایت انجمن: